Hi 👋, I'm
Halil Tezcan KARABULUT
I’m currently working on some private enterprise projects also freelancing.
I’m currently learning Rust, DevOps
I use distributed micro-services architecture w/NestJS, w/GraphQL, w/PrismaJS, w/Postgres, Vue, w/VueSax and Svelte, w/TailwindCSS for front-end.
I use ExcaliDraw or Figma FigJam for designing the system architecture and use VSCode/Neovim as the IDE.
I use Arch Linux as my main OS and Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS Stream on my servers.
I use Docker for deployment and mostly prefer serverless w/Serverless Framework, w/AWS Lambda and AWS CloudFront.
Check my GitHub and LinkedIn for more.
Contact me: [email protected]
Ask me about NodeJS, Typescript, MoleculerJS, Fastify, Express, NestJS, GraphQL, PrismaJS, MongoDB, ArangoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, ZeroMQ, Git, Sentry, Figma, Sapper, Svelte, Vue, NuxtJS, Vuesax, Vuetify, TailwindCSS, Rollup, Webpack, Apollo, Electron, Cordova, Heroku, Vercel, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Ansible, Terraform, Serverless Framework, AWS, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Nginx, Firecracker VMM, Proxmox, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, CentOS ...
Fun fact: I'm an organism that can turn pizza and caffeine into software.
Some of My Projects: Name Generator, Assisky, Word Cloud, Cyphria, Simple-Com, Redoya Pay, Redoya Customer CP, Herd Monitoring(WIP) Middlewar.com
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